
"Bring us Your Arms! Leeds" Artist House, May 2007

'Bring us Your Arms! Leeds' took take place at Artist House, Holbeck, Leeds between 16 May - 9 June 2007

Alongside works by Bryan and Laura Davies and Tom Watson exploring Holbeck, Your Arms! displayed an archive of their project and piloted new drawing and personal book-making workshops. These involved the use of a bobbin-laden 'Automated Book Distributor'. Visitors to the opening "Artist's Breakfast" on Saturday morning were treated to spread of cakes, tea and coffee with a slight Yorkshire-Italian flavour.

images by Jonathan Turner and Bryan and Laura Davies

Following the exhibition Andy and Yvonne redesigned the self-led book making workshop to fit a stall as part of Holbeck Gala where it rained horrendously but acted as a not very dry run for "Bring us Your Arms! Bradford"